Introducing Mia, Abroad101 Global Ambassador in Sydney, Spring 2012!


Abroad101 is pleased to introduce Mia Marino, Abroad101 Global Ambassador in Sydney Australia! While down under, she’ll be continuing her studies for her dual major in Communications and International Studies at the University of New South Wales. We are looking forward to hearing her stories about the outback and other adventures!


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Introducing Caitlin, Abroad101 Ambassador in Sorrento, Spring 2012


Abroad101 is pleased to introduce Caitlin Scalise, Global Ambassador in Sorrento, Italy this Spring semester! Cait will be studying International Business and Italian at Sant’Anna Language Institute. We look forward to reading about all of her “experiences, excursions and unexpected mishaps” as she shares them on Abroad101 blog.

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Joining Sports Clubs or Teams Abroad

When I was originally thinking about studying abroad, one of the most difficult parts of that decision was knowing that I would have to either end or put a hold on my gymnastics career (little did I know, a blown out knee would basically make that decision for me). It’s not always easy to take a few weeks, let alone, a few months off from the sport you’ve been practicing for most of your life, and be able to jump back into things without missing a few beats.  Many college athletes, especially those on scholarships, feel they can’t take the time away from their sport or their teams to study abroad. But we want to encourage student athletes to realize that they can, in fact, find ways to take advantage of these global opportunities and even benefit from them! Continue reading

Parents: What to do before your son or daughter leaves to study abroad

You probably thought the day you left your child at their dorm room freshman year was going to be the hardest goodbye, and that those tearful farewells would only get easier after that. And then they told you they were going to study abroad for a semester in a country 6000 miles away, where you may have heard stories of danger, violence, or even of study abroad students who’ve gone Missing, (A new ABC series staring Ashley Judd). Your anxiety likely grew and you wanted to do everything to keep your child “home” (which used to mean your actual home, and now just means somewhere in the state or country).   Continue reading

Making a Meaningful New Year’s Resolution

Only a couple days post-New Years, I wasn’t too surprised to walk by extra crowded fitness centers on my way to work. I’m one of the many who has made that same resolution year after year to either workout more, eat healthier, procrastinate less, study more, etc.  All these are great ideas to try and improve your own health and well-being; and I don’t discourage that at all.  But what if we all took our yearly resolutions one step further and considered what we could do to contribute to a greater society, and a greater global community. Continue reading