Cool Program of the Week – Round River Conservation Studies – Botswana Program

Africa-Botswana-RoundRiverCamping for an entire semester!  Round River offers students a completely field-based study abroad program in Botswana’s Okavango Delta, home to some of the world’s most abundant and diverse wildlife populations. Students conduct wildlife research and work with local people.

The Okavango Delta, recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to some of the world’s most abundant and diverse wildlife populations. Our projects involve working closely with local people to implement a wildlife monitoring program in the Delta. Students conduct wildlife surveys, monitor rare and threatened bird species, and enjoy amazing wildlife viewing opportunities in one of Africa’s most vibrant wetland and savannah ecosystems. Our unique programs give students the opportunity to contribute to local conservation, while gaining valuable field skills and earning undergraduate course credits.

To find out more about this program and to apply please visit: