From Hovering Mentors to Intrusive Rescue Squads: A Spectrum of Helicopter Parents

Study abroad is all about independence. When issues arise, from sorting out transfer of credit to dealing with a problematic host family, a phone call needs to be made to a student’s home university or program provider to discuss and address the problem. However, today’s “Millenial” students abroad are not always the ones making these calls. Instead, it is often their increasingly involved, protective parents who are taking the initiative. Continue reading

Pack Your Bags…

Because we’re about to launch more than a venture. will undoubtedly be an adventure for the three of us recent college grads/co-founders- and we want you to be a part of the thrill. In the upcoming months we will be posting our progress as well as our thoughts on a variety of study abroad-related topics. Do you have a suggestion for our website? Want to learn more? Do you support or disagree with our reaction to a study abroad issue? Want to share your favorite travel memory/horror story? Great! We look forward to welcoming you into our online community and hearing from you.

Globally Yours,

Mike, Mark & Adam
“The Abroad101 Guys”